Personal Training
Allan Carter
10+ years Experience

Jeanie Cooper
25+ years experience

Daniella Cawthorne 
​20+ Years Exerience

Suzanne Polzin
25+ years experience

GVR Personal Trainer
Jeanie earner BS Nursing, MS Exercise Physiology. She worked in nursing for 25 years. Jeannie specializes in pre and post-op joint replacement, osteoporosis, cancer rehab, and heart disease exercise strategies.  She enjoys working with clients in small groups as well as one-on-one.
GVR Personal Trainer  
Suzanne has been teaching group fitness and working as a personal trainer for thirty years, working in sports rehabilitation clinics in Southern California and with Fit-Center doing specialized training for stroke and brain injured clients. Suzanne is a motivator and is known for challenging clients to meet their goals.
GVR Personal Trainer
Daniela has been training and teaching all types of fitness classes to a large variety of people for more than 20 years. Her expertise includes functional fitness, Yoga, Pilates and strength training. Her passion and enthusiasm for your health and fitness are contagious. She enjoys working both one on one training as well as small group training.

GVR Personal Trainer
10 years of experience training with seniors. Allan specializes in functional fitness, exercise therapy, senior fitness, and nutrition. He has helped many clients over 55 overcome disabilities and injuries. He is passionate about helping the senior community achieve their health and wellness goals. 
Personal Training Options
Attend a free fitness center orientation at the center you plan to use for your exercise workout. The orientation includes an assessment of your fitness level, a tour of the cardio and strength training equipment, and a group orientation to the adjustments and use of the equipment. Schedules and registration information for orientations are posted in each fitness center.

Attend a complimentary 30-minute personal training consultation with a GVR Personal Trainer is offered to those who wish to have a personalized fitness program designed for their goals and any medical needs.

​Attend a complimentary 30-minute Introduction to Resistance Band Training.
Training with bands is a great way to stay active & strong. Strengthen functional movement patterns of daily life.  Learn push, pull, press, squat, hinge, and lunge movement patterns that are convenient, versatile, and joint-friendly. Benefits can ultimately help improve strength, balance, endurance, coordination, mobility, core stability, and flexibility.  

Lee Smith GVR Fitness Coordinator
One-on-One Training 
30-minute sessions
8 sessions $270
20 sessions $600
One-on-One Training 
60-minute sessions
4 sessions $240
10 sessions $495
 One on One Boxing Training 
45-minute Sessions
1 session $40
4 sessions $140
8 sessions $240
One on One Punching 4 Parkinsons 
Non-Contact Boxing & HIIT)
1 session $40  
4 sessions $140  
8 sessions $240 
High Intensity Interval, Resistance, Balance, Flexibility, Training
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Sign up for personal training. GVR contracts with five certified personal trainers to assist members in pursuing their fitness goals. A variety of personal training packages are available:

Introductory Personal Training package–$129
Two one-hour appointments to design an individualized cardio and resistance training exercise plan.

HomeOrientationPersonal TrainingSmall Group Training

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